Buying coins with cold cash is expensive. This is the reason why you can utilize trading to earn a profit and scrape more coins. Coins are the currency of the game so you can avail players and win competitive matches. Of course, everyone wants to have the best player in the system, and in FIFA 19, it’s none other than Cristiano Ronaldo. Although the demand for such players is high, not everyone can afford it. This is why you have to know some tips to make more coins in FUTmillionaire.
One reason why you have to increase your chances of buying is the fact that high-value players yield higher income. It will also give you a stream of coins that you can use when you’re playing. But as much as it’s easy to say, trading and earning coins isn’t a simple thing to do.
This is the reason why I compiled some personal suggestions on how you can succeed in earning coins using the FUT Millionaire auto buyer and auto bidder system.
1. Invest in underpriced players
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The common notion is that players in the Buy It Now section is always the best picks. Not just that, most players would buy hastily just to get the players they want. They don’t bid and therefore loses the chance to save more coins or money in the process.
If you have an auto-generated list of players using the FUT Millionaire system, take time to look at the under-priced players. More often than not, there are hidden treasures in there that impatient traders tend to miss. This way, you can buy players on the lowest possible BIN price. Remember that when you sell a player, you’re going to lose five percent of the purchase value. This is to avoid users from price-fixing the amount.
So does it have something to do with trading players at their lowest BIN? When you sell them, you’re going to have more income even if you lose five percent in the process. One of the tricky tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire, so to speak.
2. Follow the system’s advice
One reason why the FUT Millionaire is an awesome tool is it helps you come up with a sound decision. It will tell you when is the best time to buy as well as which players to invest on. You’re going to get a Private Trading List complete with the information needed to decide which players will get your nod.
If you want to get a team or earn consistent cash every month, use the auto buyer and auto bidder features. You can also utilize the Auto Price Updater of the system so you can monitor the live market prices of the players. In the ever-changing trading industry, this is an important tool that you should utilize if you want to be a tough competitor of other traders.
3. The 59-minute snipe
The Minute 59 Method is a popular trading process where a user is guaranteed to bag some great deals and earn more coins. An item trade duration is one hour, if no one buys it, it will be relisted. So what’s with the 59th minute? The last minute before an auction expires is where low-price items are added in circulation. And when you get it at a low price, you’ll earn more once you set a higher BIN price.
It might seem weird, but these items or cards are placed there by mistake or lack of expertise. This is a market inefficiency you should grab and take advantage of. Trust me on these tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire.
However, all experienced traders would know of these hidden treasures and will surely stand-by for the minute 59. With that, the only thing you can do is be fast and clever with your picks.
4. Stop buying your coins
If you’re planning to use the FUT Millionaire to earn coins and money, you have to stop buying your coins. Purchasing coins with cold cash will defeat the system’s purpose of playing FIFA with the use of coins earned through trading. Aside from that, you’ll also have passive income monthly if you use FUT Millionaire instead. Just follow the tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire and you’re golden.
It may sound too good to be true, but there are users who rarely or never buy their coins once they use the FUT Millionaire trade. The coins you’ll gain from trading will sustain your gaming needs, not to mention the money you’ll have an income. If you’re patient enough and dedicated to using the FUT Millionaire for three months, you can purchase a 20-million coin team. You can also avail million coin players without shelling out money.
5. Trade in-form cards
In-form cards are produced weekly and only for those TOTW players. AS the season progresses, these upgraded cards become a rarity, thus a high interest and demand. It’s either the players will get rid of it or use it to create excellent SBCs. But as one of the tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire, you should know better.
In-form cards increase its price and the rarer they turn in the market; it becomes an even more expensive consumable. So the next time that an in-form card is to be released, be quick and invest on those. Let it sit for long and sell it when the price is high and there’s a consistent demand for it.
The more in-form cards you have, the more coins and income you’ll gain. Just remember that this isn’t easy to do and you have to be quick.
6. Trade players you’re familiar with
Buying and selling players from the league you’re familiar with is a key step to earning coins. With this setup, you know the BIN range of each player and you are less likely to panic buy and trade players. You might be playing a lot and knowledgeable about the player supply for each league including their positions. Leagues with a small pool of players might have lower price while those more popular would expensive.
Familiarity, as one of the tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire, will help you move within the trading sphere with fewer worries aside from the fact you’re using FUT Millionaire as a hassle-free tool. You get to have an idea about the supply and demand of a certain player.
Don’t worry if your prospect pool of players is low rated because they can still be high in value. It’s all about the knowledge that you’ll make the most out of your possible trades.
7. Set the buying and selling price properly
Although the FUT Millionaire system works automatically, it’s important that you set your preferred buying and selling price. This is so the system will achieve expected income and coin gains. Setting a specific price range will affect how fast your players can be sold. A lower price will yield faster player trades but lower coins and income. If you want to earn a lot, you can set a higher price but you have to be patient.
This price range only applies to trading players and consumables. Never sell and buy FIFA coins because that’s against the game’s rules. Your account will be banned and you can never play FIFA again. If not, the EA sports will delete all your coins, your team, your players, and impose other harsh penalties. You wouldn’t want that to happen, right?
8. Stop staring at your screen
Once you have FUT Millionaire running for your FIFA account, you should stop staring at your computer screen. This one of the tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire many are failing to follow. You no longer have to wait until the best deals pop up or for the Minute 59 to arrive. The Artificial Intelligence will do it for you.
Do more productive things: work, study, or sleep. Your coin-making process will still be running even if you’re away from the keyboard and not doing manual trading. This is the reason why auto buyers and auto bidders are must-haves if you’re planning to make money trading and selling players and consumables in FIFA.
With FUT Millionaire, you’re going to enjoy the freedom of no longer performing manual searches and trading. Even if everything is done while you’re away, your account isn’t missing market trends and bids where you can make the most income and coins.
9. Read their FUT guide
The FUT Millionaire comes with tons of resources and reading materials. Mike Miranda, the creator of the system, has a guidebook that you can purchase separately. It contains tips and practical techniques you can utilize to make more coins in the FUT Millionaire system with just a short time.
Although it’s one of the most cited downsides of FUT Millionaire, reading is actually more convenient than having to go through the process of manually listing and relisting players. You just have to learn the resources and apply it to your trading tactics. FUT Millionaire is an AI that you can use in autopilot but it also has its limits that you, a human trader, can only perform. So reading is probably one of the tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire that you should start doing.
You might look at it as a downside, but reading the materials the system comes with is a wise move. It’s packed with golden advice on how you make more and earn more than the rest of the users.
10. Run multiple accounts
The good thing about the FUT Millionaire is you can run multiple accounts without being banned. It always works in stealth mode to ensure that your account is safe and far from the hands of cyber thieves. Take note that you can’t run the auto buyer and auto bidder at the same time with the same account. So the trick is to use one account for each tool to utilize its functions.
This way, you can trade with multiple accounts and the last thing you know is you have high collated coin count and cash. You don’t have to worry since there’s low risk of errors that will put your accounts at risk.
The FUT Millionaire doesn’t store any user information that might cost your coins.
11. Tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire: Extend your patience
Trading is never easy. The FUT Millionaire will make your life easier but it will not totally run your trading system. You still have to set it up, tweak some settings, and wait for results. It’s not an instant solution because it takes time to search the best deals and make money out of it. The only consolation here is that the FUT Millionaire will provide you with real-time market value per player.
If your listed player or consumable isn’t sold in an auction, be patient and let the system relist it for another bidding. Such process could be time-consuming but worth it once you are a total sell out. But in case the system isn’t yielding results on within the 60 days, you can have your money back from Mike Miranda.
12. Learn the system
At some point, you’ll have to study how the FUT Millionaire works. It’s easy since it comes with a handbook and some practical guides. Learning how the automatic trading works will help you figure out a better strategy to make more money and earn more coins.
These tips to make more coins in FUT millionaire are tried and test, but it’s up to you which ones to follow. The FUT Millionaire is a reliable tool but you can level up your earnings if you know some techniques to utilize. Do you know more effective strategies using FUT Millionaire?